February 12, 2011

February Is American Heart Month

How healthy are you? Most people judge their health from how they look on the outside. Am I skinny enough, fit enough, etc. We look for quick-fix, miracle solutions to obtain a desired "look".

The truth of the matter is that you can look "skinny" on the outside and be unhealthy on the inside. Dr. Tamara Sachs, M.D. states that we are only as healthy as the health of our cells.

February is American Heart Health month.

-Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in this country....800,000 deaths per year.

-50,000 more women than men die each year from heart disease (American Heart Association). -1 in 3 Americans are living with some form of heart disease

What is contributing to these statistics, you ask? OUR POOR DIET and Food Choices

-64% of adult Americans and 17% of children are overweight

-Low intake of fruits and vegetables is responsible for 31% of heart attacks and 11% of strokes worldwide

-60% of Americans eat no fruit
-25% of Americans eat no vegetables

-Only 11% of Americans eat the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day. The recommendation has gone from 5-6 servings a day to 9-13 (more for athletes) a day. This is in part due to the quality of our produce today.

The GOOD news is that experts will tell you that Cardiovascular Disease is largely within our control and preventable!!

"A healthy diet teamed up with regular exercise and no smoking can eliminate 80% of heart disease and 70% of some cancers" Tamara Sachs M.D.

So what can you do to keep your body healthy on the inside and protect your cells?

- Eat a plant based diet consisting of mainly fruits and vegetables -- our cells need the phytonutrients from plants.

-9-13 servings of Raw, fresh fruits and vegetables a day is recommended

-Do some form of exercise daily! OBC is a great choice!!

-Avoid toxins --many toxins are products of environmental factors, but there are some we can avoid. Smoking, cleaning products, plastic containers, unfiltered water, etc.

Each of our cells gets 10,000 hits a day of free radicals due to these factors. The only way to protect your cells from this free radical damage is from the antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables and berries.

Protect yourself and those that you care about, especially your children, by avoiding processed foods and eating more fruits and vegetables. Sadly, statistics are showing that unless we change our diets, our children will develop cardiovascular disease earlier and will die younger.

If you are looking for a great way to get in shape and increase your physical activity.....commit to 30 Days of Operation Boot Camp!! It will CHANGE your life!! Note: It takes 21 Days to form a habit!

If you are looking for a way to get more fruits and vegetables in your diet.....Juice Plus + is a great way to get 17 different varieties of fruits and vetables daily in a capsule. Concentrated whole food that is convenient and, best of all, affordable! http://www.lanesharesjuiceplus.com

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